Caring For Elderly Believers

I saw a man in a wheel chair trying desperately to get into his room. His hands and arms—actually just about all of him—were shaking so hard that he could not get his hands to stay on the wheels. Most of you know about my struggle with shaking so you will not be surprised to hear that my heart went out to him. I asked him if he wanted me to help him get into his room. He did. So, I wheeled him in and struck up a conversation with him, oh, so careful to treat him with obvious respect. I had to work a bit to understand him, but I did hear most of it. His wife died last March after 64 years of marriage! He misses her so much. A very old photo on the wall showed his three children when they were young. One of them died when he was a little boy. That was sad. I steered the conversation around to things of the Lord and asked him about his faith in Christ. He assured me with tears that he is a true believer. That made me glad.

My heart went out to him. I could truly sympathize with his shaking and with his loss of a spouse. I asked if I could pray for him and he quickly answered, “Yes.” What a privilege to be able to bless an old saint by praying for his health and that God would encourage his heart! And how uplifting for a weary and aging Christian to hear the first six verses of John 14 quoted to him with great enthusiasm!

They touch my heart, those elderly Christians. Ministering to fellow believers is a huge part of this whole thing. They grasp your hand and they say, “Please come again soon. This means so much.”

That visit…God…took me a few steps further in my walk with Him.

"So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." - Galatians 6:10